Abhishek Mahankal Emerging as The Best Stock Market Mentor in India

Abhishek Mahankal


Abhishek Mahankal’s group TRADR has consistently tracked down remarkable ways of drawing in and rousing the young.Aside from the social media campaign to motivate a million and that’s just the beginning, Abhishek Mahankal’s group TRADR has consistently tracked down remarkable ways of drawing in and rousing the young. He focuses on them to accomplish full independence from the rat race with legitimate danger the executives, which is the need of great importance to carry on with the extravagant Instagram way of life everyone is fixated on.

An adage goes, “Not all those who wander are lost.” This adage has stood true for so many people out there, who began with something, but later transitioned into other realms and created a robust career for themselves. The world is filled with tons of such dynamic professionals and business owners, who today are known for their excellence in their niche and their expertise to take over their sector. We couldn’t help but notice how a young and self-driven entrepreneur, founder, a stock trader and mentor, Abhishek Mahankal, rose to be one such business owner with his best in the industry stock trading education and training platform named TRADR.

Abhishek Mahankal

There is a reason why TRADR today is known as the Best stock market classes in Nagpur, India. The platform is known for its best teaching methods, techniques and approaches for helping students learn stock market trading. The team has also stood true to its tagline, “Let’s Reach the Top Together.” Abhishek Mahankal, born in 1996, has risen today as a young entrepreneur and financial expert, but before reaching this far in his journey, he had his own share of ups and downs. He is an engineering dropout who chose to listen to his dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and explore the vast and expansive world of the stock market. He began by investing in shares and stocks and built considerable wealth over time. Gradually, he saw himself getting inclined toward trading and the finance world, and this motivated him to share his knowledge and expertise with others.

Abhishek Mahankal

This led Abhishek Mahankal to launch TRADR with the genuine aim of educating and training people in stock market trading and leading toward becoming financially independent. They started as an Instagram page offering “FREE TRADES” and later grew into an enormous community of thousands of people. They offer workshops, online and offline mentorship programs and much more to help the youth build wealth.

TRADR indeed has been revolutionizing stock market education under the leadership of Abhishek Mahankal, whose expertise, knowledge, passion and humble purpose have made it the best stock market class for aspiring traders.

An interactive live trading floor, multiple apps on android and iOS for trading and educational purposes and a personal mentorship program, catering from basic to advance with constant live support and complete undivided attention.

8 years ago, he got involved in the Indian stock markets, and ever since it has been a very bouncy adventurous ride, with multiple failures, rejections and startups but never backing down. With a team of highly trained traders in their respective fields, they provide an array of backtested strategies with accuracy and low risks.

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