Learn the Secrets of Successful Trading With Abhishek Mahankal, The Best Stock Market Mentor in Nagpur.

Abhishek Mahankal

Abhishek Mahankal Emerging As A Best Stock Market Mentor And Managing Angel Investments in Nagpur . Abhishek has always emphasised on financial freedom and the perks that come with it. He started his own journey as a mathematics scholar and an engineering dropout but that didn’t stop him from going into the depths of the markets.

Abhishek Mahankal is the young visionary behind what is today seen as the Best stock market classes in Nagpur. He is the brain behind TRADR, a top trading academy that has been providing students with the best financial and stock market trading education. More and more youngsters today are choosing to be a part of the academy and learn from the expertise, experience and passion of Abhishek, who believes in democratizing stock market trading education through his training center. There is a reason TRADR has emerged as the first new-age stock trading floor in India, where students can learn the A to Z of stock markets under the guidance and mentorship of Abhishek and his team.

Abhishek Mahankal

The 1996-born, who today is a well-known and trusted founder, entrepreneur, stock trader, mentor and financial expert, did not reach this influential position overnight. He was an engineering dropout who dared to dream big and chose to walk unconventional paths with the vision to impart valuable lessons and education on stock market trading. He started by investing in stocks and shares and slowly but steadily built his own wealth, which encouraged him to impart his knowledge to others, catapulting him to launch TRADR.

From starting everything with “FREE TRADES” on Instagram, growing into a massive community of thousands of people, to offering online/offline workshops, mentorships, programs, and so much more, Abhishek with TRADR has indeed drawn a beautiful success story, which has made TRADR the Best stock market classes in Nagpur.


TradrFor all those vying to make their mark in the trading world, especially the youth, TRADR can prove to be a turning point in their careers.

The massive momentum and the crazy growth levels a few industries have acquired over the years can be attributed to a myriad of factors. For some, it is due to the increased adoption of the latest tech trends and innovations across industries, while for others, it is because of the relentless drive, passion and commitment of business owners, entrepreneurs, founders and experts who build their brands and businesses keeping the focus on adding more meaning to people’s lives through their work and services. We saw how the young founder and the frontrunner of a leading stock market classes and training center in Nagpur, Maharashtra, did it all and made it look effortless. We are talking about Abhishek Mahankal.


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